Guide to fetch XFF parameters with GENXFF

Note: currently, genxff can only be run on a Linux x86 machine!

Write a config file for genxff

An example config file example.config:

Fetch XFF3.0 parameters with genxff

Detailed explanation of config file for genxff

Here is a complete version of the config template. You can also obtain it by running


mol: path to the input ligand file (currently only support mol, sdf, and mol2 format.)

charge: path to the partial charge file

Currently, we support three types of partial charge file

1. Mol2 format with partial charges in it. For example, a mol2 file obtained with antechamber using "-c bcc" option.

2. A single column charge file (.chg).


3. A double column charge file (.chg). The first column is the atom index starting from 1 and the second column is the partial charges.


mol_name: residue name in the output file

output: (can choose all of them or any of the format combinations)

amber/charmm/gromacs: output file name for amber/charmm/gromacs format. Output files for the designated format will be generated in the current working directory.


revise_charge_precision: whether to adjust atomic partial charges so that their sum matches exactly the net charge of the molecule. Usually True.

use_antechamber_for_charge: whether to use antechamber to calculate AM1BCC charges, usually False if a charge file is provided.

amber: path to amberhome if you want to use antechamber.